Today, we offer you 26 powerful affirmations. But, before we list the self-affirmations, let’s discuss when they’re appropriate.

When to Use Self-Affirmations

To Feel Happier or More Secure

The power of self-affirmation and visualization can come into play when you catch yourself:

  • Feeling down
  • Doubtful about whether you’ll be able to accomplish something
  • Shying away from trying something new
  • Lacking confidence in general
  • Feeling uncertain about how to face a delicate or frustrating situation
  • Verbally putting yourself down or mentally berating yourself
  • Want to give up out of fear of failure or embarrassment

To Start Each Day

If you struggle with any one of these situations or have a reduced sense of self-esteem, [link] or simply want to start each day with a positive attitude, recite these affirmations aloud.

Here are 26 positive affirmations that can make a difference for you:

  1. I am capable of handling much because I have come so far.
  2. I can adapt to challenging situations, and I will not give up.
  3. I am resilient.
  4. I am strong.
  5. I am brave.
  6. I am courageous.
  7. I am capable.
  8. I am beautiful.
  9. I am intelligent.
  10. I am caring.
  11. I am loving.
  12. I am lovable.
  13. I am hard-working.
  14. I am a valuable contributor.
  15. I am not my failures.
  16. I am not my weaknesses.
  17. I am not my fears.
  18. I am not my worries.
  19. I am not my doubts.
  20. I am not my insecurities.
  21. I am not dumb.
  22. I am not selfish.
  23. I am not hateful.
  24. I am not despised.
  25. I am not lazy.
  26. I am not worthless.

Lisa Aranas

Lisa Aranas, JD, LCPC, is a Life Coach and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. She is also a certified divorce and custody mediator, personal trainer, and holistic nutritionist.
Lisa Aranas JD LCPC