Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

We offer therapy for depression and anxiety for children, teens, and adults.


depressed looking woman

About Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety often go hand in hand, though not necessarily so. They not only block your joy but also the ability to live life to the fullest.

Panic is an extreme form of anxiety.

If you’ve been feeling persistently sad, fearful, or worried, our therapists can help you free yourself from this dreadful duo.

How Depression Feels

Feeling depressed, sad, or down does not have to be a long-standing problem in your life. People who are depressed may have a variety of symptoms.

You may be depressed if you notice many of these common signs and symptoms:

  • Feeling down, sad, hopeless, teary-eyed, or “blue” a good deal of the time (may appear as irritability in children)
  • Losing interest or enjoyment in activities that used to make you happy, such as sex, hobbies, or sports
  • Significant loss of appetite and/or weight loss OR food cravings and weight gain
  • Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping much of the time
  • Slowed thinking or movements that other people can notice
  • Loss of energy, feeling worn out or tired much of the time
  • Feeling guilty, blaming yourself or others, feeling worthless or hating yourself, or fixating on past failures
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating, making decisions, or remembering
  • Thinking about hurting yourself, dying, taking your life, or wishing you had never been born

Other symptoms can include:

  • Irritability, frustration, and anger
  • Feeling anxious, agitated, or restless
  • Unexplained aches and pains
  • Drug or alcohol abuse

Of course, we’ll also want to rule out other medical and mental health causes.

You don’t need to feel this way. Help for depression is available.

We are here to help. In our work together, we’ll guide you to the root cause of your depression. In that way, we can resolve the underlying foundational problem.

If needed, we can work with your physician to prescribe medication.

Imagine how wonderful you will feel when you can reduce or completely free yourself of the symptoms that get in the way of you truly enjoying life!

Emergency Help

If you’re feeling as if you may harm yourself or are feeling suicidal, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

Call, Text, or Chat: 988

You may also call the Suicide Lifeline’s toll-free number: 800-273-8255.

If you’re in immediate danger, call:


How Anxiety May Feel

Many different types of anxiety exist.

    For example, you may have a specific fear.

    This could include a fear of:

    • Spiders, snakes, heights, flying, dogs, thunder and lightning, injections, germs
    • Being in enclosed spaces, open spaces, in crowds, or alone outside the home
    • Speaking in public, meeting new people, or eating/drinking in public
    • Social situations
    • Separating from your loved one

      Alternatively, your fear may be more generalized.

      You may:

      • Feel anxious or worry about many different topics, events, or activities
      • Notice that your worry shifts from one topic to another and is hard to control
      • Feel edgy or restless, tired and worn out, irritable, or achy and sore

      You may also experience:

      • Trouble falling asleep, restless sleep, or waking feeling unrefreshed
      • Difficulty concentrating or your mind goes blank
      • Worse anxiety at night, because you’re tired, and the distractions of the day have evaporated

      When to Get Help for Anxiety

      If you’re facing down a rattle snake in the desert, it’s natural (and probably wise) to have a healthy dose of fear. Similarly, it’s not uncommon to feel a little nervous before making that big presentation.

      But if your anxiety interferes with your daily life, lasts for months or years, or prevents you from living life to the fullest, help is available.

      You don’t need to feel this way.

      How Panic Disorders Feel

      Sometimes severe anxiety can show up as a panic disorder.

      During a panic attack, you may feel:

      • Palpitations, a pounding heart, or notice a fast heartbeat
      • Sweaty
      • Short of breath, or as if you’re smothering or choking
      • Dizzy or light-headed
      • Nauseous
      • Detached

      You may notice:

      • Trembling or shaking
      • Stomach or chest pains
      • Numbness or tingling
      • Chills or hot flashes

      You may fear that you’re:

      • Dying
      • Losing Control
      depressed anxious woman

      You don’t need to feel this way. Help for anxiety and panic disorders is available.

      You don’t need to feel anxious or constantly overthink and worry about what might happen next. Also, you never have to experience another panic attack again.

      Merely coping is not an ideal solution. 

      In our work together, we’ll guide you to getting to the root of why you experience anxiety so that we can resolve the underlying foundational problem. If needed, we can work with your physician to prescribe medication.

      Imagine how wonderful you’ll feel when you can reduce or completely free yourself from the symptoms that get in the way of truly enjoying your life.